For optimal drilling, productivity and equipment longevity, reliable motor specs are critical. AI-Fit goes far beyond vector measurements to deliver reliable science-backed performance.

Why We’re a Perfect Fit

While vector methods are inaccurate and inconsistent, AI-Fit applies both vector and laser measurements to output reliable science-sourced fit data for the rotor and stator—data you need to optimize performance, torque and efficiency.
A graphic of showing the outline of the fit between a rotor and stator

Value of Precision

Accurate data enables an exact fit and critical seal, reducing friction, heat and the potential of motor failure in the power section of your BHA.
A graphic of a chart with an magnifying glass examining data representing AI-Fit's accuracy and reliability

Data Accuracy & Reliability

AI-Fit combines over ten years of science-backed field data on 10,000+ motor runs with 21 million data points for greater predictability and precision.

A graphic of a person who's mind is filled with dots of data all connected together to represent expertise

Data Science Experts

Building on years of tested expertise, AI-Fit effectively bridges theory with applied data science, translating to more accurate and actionable real-world insights.
A graphic of a clock with a dollar sign attached representing time and money saved by using Turnco's AI-Fit

Money & Time Saved

More accurate and reliable data mean more margin from your motor. Mitigate costly downhole errors, reducing NPT. Extending equipment life also boosts ROI.

Avoid the Risks of Faulty Data

Typically, OEM performance charts are based on theoretical “best-case scenarios.” Our algorithm combines over a decade of field data and data-science expertise, 10,000+ motor runs and 21 million data points for unparalleled accuracy and reliability.

Motor Consistency

AI-Fit replaces a variety of OEM methodologies with a standardized solution with a consistent output.

360º View of Tool

Laser-generated measurements precisely evaluate flank and stator major, enabling a richer performance analysis.

Traceable Audit

Through our portal, you’ll have data tracking enabled, including a traceable audit file.

Downhole Data

Combine more data with more accuracy, and you have greater predictability to optimize drilling operations.

Reduced Non-Productive Time

Mitigate risk of equipment failure and human error, reducing both operational costs and NPT.

21 Million Data Points

With more than a decade of field data and thousands of motor runs, AI-Fit generates truly accurate fit data.

AI-Fit Case Study

Our data and predictive analytics help an operator overcome premature motor failure and NPT in the Permian.

Did You Know?

Close up of stator inside a warehouse


are faulty, right out of the gate, due to bad vector fit data.

Close up of stators and rotors being inspected


is accurately measured without AI-Fit.

An image of neon blue circular schematics representing AI-Fit's reliability


with laser data, AI-Fit delivers greater accuracy.

360° Of Clarity and Precision

Watch the demo and see how AI-Fit delivers it all—accuracy, performance, predictability and operational savings.

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For Free.

Do it now. There’s no contract, no commitment, no cost and no risk to try out AI-Fit. Put our data to work for you — today!

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